Advanced Agricultural Technology: Increasing Food Production with Smart Farming
In recent years, the world has faced significant challenges in meeting global food demands. As the population continues to grow, the demand for food has increased drastically, while available agricultural land is becoming more limited. Advanced agricultural technology has...
The Use of Agricultural Sensors in Modern Farming
Read More: Nocola Smart Farming Solutions: Agricultural Technology Innovation
Modern agriculture has undergone significant transformation thanks to technological advancements. One of the most crucial innovations is the use of sensors in agriculture. Agricultural sensors...
Monitor Plant Conditions in the Field Using Mobile Technology
Read More: Research Collaboration between IPB and PT Nocola IoT Solution: Development of Smart Classroom Solutions
Plantations today face a variety of complex challenges, from the lack of supporting technology to socio-economic issues affecting productivity and...
Smart Farming Solutions from nocola: Agricultural Technology
Read More: Digitalization of Mangrove Conservation in Aceh: Nocola x Indosat
Farming is the backbone of human life, but with various challenges such as climate change, limited land, and a growing population, innovation is needed to increase agricultural productivity and...
Smart Farming: Masa Depan Agrikultur
Smart farming adalah cara kita mengelola pertanian di masa depan. Anda mungkin sudah sering mendengar berbagai hal canggih yang mulai diterapkan di sektor pertanian, misalnya kamera pengawas dan alat siram otomatis.
Namun smart farming tidaklah puas hanya dengan ‘perangkat...
Indonesia Butuh IoT Pertanian, Ini Alasannya
Apa itu IoT pertanian dan manfaat apa yang bisa kita dapatkan darinya?
Sebagai salah satu negara agraris terbesar di dunia, Indonesia menyimpan potensi yang luar biasa dalam bidang pertanian. Berbagai varietas dapat tumbuh dengan subur di hamparan pegunungan maupun dataran...